

A few spots have opened up for our Bachelor of Arts program. Sign up to begin your creative journey with us!

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Sander Karsen
Portrait story Canon Take over Sander Karsen

Artemis challenged, inspired and guided me

During his time at Artemis, Sander bought his first camera—a lucky break, as he puts it. Now, two years after graduating, he runs his own media company and works full-time as a photographer. But he's also a conceptual thinker, art director, stylist, and forecaster. "The perfect photo isn't just about pressing a button; it requires an interdisciplinary approach. Artemis shaped me in this way."

Becoming the best photographer in the world—Sander doesn’t shy away from his goal: "What sets me apart is that I collaborate with my clients and look beyond the photo itself. Before I even press the button, I've researched the (future) market trends and developed a concept, or strengthened an existing one. I ask for and receive the trust and freedom to contribute to the story that needs to be told, always ensuring that the concept aligns with the brand’s values, vision, and target audience. Then, I find a cool location, models, and handle the styling and lighting myself. Throughout, I’m the main point of contact for the client.

All that attention to detail and those different phases take time and a lot of preparation, and yet, I still don’t know exactly how the photo will turn out. But when everything comes together organically on set, that’s when the best images are created."

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0 Y4 A5775 BY Sander Karsen
20220515 Carhartt shoot Sander Karsen 15

The importance of conceptual thinking and intrinsic motivation

During his studies, Sander focused on Media Styling and Design. “I loved learning about conceptual thinking—being able to create, develop, and refine ideas that fit the market. At the same time, Artemis teaches you to work from within, following your own interests. That’s the only way to keep going. By discovering what intrinsically motivated me, I found my strength and direction. So, I bought that camera, and when classmates started asking me to create visuals for their ideas because they liked my work, I realized I could actually make a living from this. From a young age, it was my dream to become an entrepreneur in the creative sector, and Artemis helped me develop and achieve that.”

Finding my strength at Artemis 

“The program ultimately shaped me into who I am today. I spent a long time searching, completing a law degree and studying Arts and Economics at HKU. After that, I didn’t want to study any more. I traveled, but Covid brought me back to Amsterdam, where I enrolled at Artemis for further development. From the moment I bought that camera, photography has always been my focus. With my media company, I work with businesses that exude passion and offer sustainable products or services. I’m not your typical photographer who just listens to what the client wants—if I need to push boundaries to get the perfect image for the concept and story, I will.”

Sander Karsten (27) graduated from Academie Artemis in 2022 and is a Creative Director | Conceptual Photographer: sanderkarsen.com [Instagram icon] @sander.karsen

Op Artemis kwam ik in mijn kracht

‘De opleiding heeft mij uiteindelijk gevormd tot wie ik nu ben. Ik ben lang zoekende geweest, voltooide de studie Rechten en volgde aan de HKU Kunst en Economie. Daarna wilde ik niet nog meer studeren. Ik ging reizen maar Covid bracht mij weer in Amsterdam, waarna ik mij heb aangemeld bij Artemis voor alsnog verdere ontwikkeling. Vanaf het moment dat ik die camera kocht, is het altijd fotografie geweest. Met mijn mediabureau werk ik samen met bedrijven die passie uitstralen en duurzame producten of diensten leveren. Ik ben daarbij niet de standaard fotograaf die luistert naar wat de klant zegt en wilt, als ik tegen dingen aan kan trappen doe ik dat; alles voor het perfecte beeld bij het concept en verhaal.’

Duik diep, sta open en ontwikkel jezelf

Sander hoopt ooit nog eens les te geven op Artemis. ‘In ieder geval is mijn boodschap aan de huidige studenten: zorg dat je er open ingaat, dat je je overgeeft en je interesses ontdekt, zodat je je kunt ontwikkelen en eruit haalt wat erin zit. Dat lukt door raakvlakken te zoeken met jouw omgeving en mensen. Zo ben je in staat om passende concepten te ontwikkelen voor klanten en doelgroepen. Het is hard werken, de druk ligt hoog bij de opleiding maar stort je er vooral helemaal in, dan leer je het meest.’

Sander Karsten (27) studeerde in 2022 af aan Artemis Academie en is Creative Director | Conceptual Photographer: sanderkarsen.com | Instragram --> @sander.karsen
