Lyanne Wiersema
A spin-off of Julius Caesar's famous quote: "I came, I saw, I conquered". Sometimes there is nothing to conquer. We just need to see again. My short film 'VENI VIDI VISION' showcases my vision and style as a fashion stylist and captures useless, trivial and human activities.
We live in a time where (almost) everything must have a function, mission, purpose and value. Almost everything is possible and needs are quickly met. Impatience and the urge for spectacle rise together. But worthless things have utility and thus uselessness has value. For as long as I can remember, I have drawn inspiration from my favourite activity: people-watching. For me, people and their stories are the most essential thing about fashion. To see, you have to watch. Play the film!
@lyannewiersema/ Linked-In: lyanne-wiersema / /
Cast > Adina / David / Hannes / Meera / Nina / Dalou / Tamara / Agus / Dyan / Dinie / Carina / Lemuel. Director Of Photography > Yorrick van der Gugten. Producer > Debora Adema. Edit > sierou. Focus puller > Thijs van Geenhuizen. Licht > Charley Boersen. Licht assistent > Pramesh Sewgobind, Tigo Yordi. Sound > Dennis Erfmann, sierou. Styling assistent > Emilie Waas. Photographer > Sophie Saddington. MUA > Iljitsj Oppatja, Sarah Cloe, Nataly Vasilchenko. Catering > Deegelijk. PA’s > Jeanny Bakker vd Berge, Guus Damhuis.